O Habbo hotel sempre está inovando com novas: mobílias, efeitos, emblemas, aspectos, campanhas, emblemas e diversão o natal está chegando e o habbo já está preparando várias novidades! Com diversos emblemas hospedados para campanhas, e quatro novas belas imagens para o natal. Faltando pouco menos de uma semana para o tão esperado natal (25/11), 49 novos códigos indicando tarefas natalinas, foram hospedados, e não é só o Habbo hotel vem inovando com o natal não, a Habbonight também já está planejando várias promoções e programações que vão agitar seu natal.
Confira os códigos:
quests.xmas2013_1.name=Santa's Workshop
quests.xmas2013_1.the_doors.desc=Help Santa finding the door of his Workshop, Time to work!
quests.xmas2013_1.the_doors.hint=Some people say that Santa only works one night a year, but that's not true. He works at least one month in advance! Whatever it is, he can't remember what's the door of his Workshop. Please find it and say loud "Santa's workshop?"
quests.xmas2013_1.the_doors.name=Workshop's Doors
quests.xmas2013_1.xmas2013_1.chaincaption=Santa's Workshop
quests.xmas2013_1.xmas2013_1.chaininfo=Santa has to work hard to craft this year's gifts, but the snow has hidden his workshop entrance. Help him to find it.
quests.xmas2013_2.name=Where are the keys?
quests.xmas2013_2.the_keys.desc=Santa's Workshop keys were thrown to the iced lake.
quests.xmas2013_2.the_keys.hint=Was it on purpose? There is no time to look for someone to blame. The unique way to break the thick ice is skating until breaking it!
quests.xmas2013_2.the_keys.name=Keys are in the lake
quests.xmas2013_2.xmas2013_2.chaincaption=Santa's Keys to work
quests.xmas2013_2.xmas2013_2.chaininfo=The keys are one of those elements that might be in front of you and you will never see it.Searching desperately!
quests.xmas2013_3.hole_torch.desc=I think I saw something blinking in the deep water!
quests.xmas2013_3.hole_torch.hint=That's the 3rth day that Santa can't work in crafting this years gifts. The keys of his workshop keep lost in the water. Check the holes in the ice to see if you finally get them. Don't forget to use a Torch to throw some light!
quests.xmas2013_3.hole_torch.name=Xmas Black Hole
quests.xmas2013_3.name=Santa missed 3 days
quests.xmas2013_3.xmas2013_3.chaincaption=Santa missed 3 days
quests.xmas2013_3.xmas2013_3.chaininfo=Gnomes are fun guys, but there is no fun when we are talking about missing our Christmas gifts!
quests.xmas2013_4.dive.desc=You are almost ready to open Santa's Workshop!
quests.xmas2013_4.dive.hint=You just need to swing in the cold water until you get the keys and Santa's Snow Flakes.
quests.xmas2013_4.dive.name=Dive for the keys
quests.xmas2013_4.name=Santa's brave Habbos
quests.xmas2013_4.xmas2013_4.chaincaption=Santa's brave Habbos
quests.xmas2013_4.xmas2013_4.chaininfo=Perhaps in your country you are in summer, but in Santa's village the thermometer hurts. However, we need you swimming.
quests.xmas2013_5.fireplace.desc=We need fire to warm your pixels and start Santa's Workshop.
quests.xmas2013_5.fireplace.hint=Generate enough fire to start Santa's Workshop or he won't be on time for Christmas. The Gnomes keep on messing around by trying to get the room in negative degrees and hiding the few gifts Santa could make already.
quests.xmas2013_5.fireplace.name=Warm up the Workshop
quests.xmas2013_5.name=Santa starts working
quests.xmas2013_5.xmas2013_5.chaincaption=Santa starts working
quests.xmas2013_5.xmas2013_5.chaininfo=The first thing Santa needs is fire: to warm your pixels and craft gifts.
quests.xmas2013_6.name=Traitor Gnomes?
quests.xmas2013_6.slippers.desc=Gnomes hided some Santa's gifts by Snt. Nicholas tradition.
quests.xmas2013_6.slippers.hint=Saint Nicholas usually leaves gifts in shoes. The Gnomes are bothering Santa by hiding his gifts in some specific slippers. Come to Santa's Workshop room and dig into the available shoes for your avatar in "My Clothes" tab. Only one kind has the gifts inside.
quests.xmas2013_6.slippers.name=Hidden Gifts
quests.xmas2013_6.xmas2013_6.chaincaption=Traitor Gnomes?
quests.xmas2013_6.xmas2013_6.chaininfo=Gnomes say that Snt. Nicholas is better boss than Santa. Gifts are in compromised again!
quests.xmas2013_7.name=Gnome Fashion
quests.xmas2013_7.trendset.desc=Gnomes reacted to St. Nicholas refusal and hided more gifts.
quests.xmas2013_7.trendset.hint=They put the gift in one of the heads of the wall. Dress like that and you'll find it.
quests.xmas2013_7.trendset.name=Little Trend Setters
quests.xmas2013_7.xmas2013_7.chaincaption=Gnome Fashion
quests.xmas2013_7.xmas2013_7.chaininfo=Snt. Nicholas states that he doesn't want to hire Santa's Gnomes, which brought some reactions