Recentemente noticiamos da publicação realizada no Stories do Instagram da comunidade, que se tratava de uma imagem que nos remetia a uma festa de chá que trará para o hotel uma abundância de novas mobílias e roupas coloridas. A campanha que será realizada em setembro está cada vez mais próxima, e obtivemos a confirmação disso com a descoberta de novos códigos que foram hospedados destinados a campanha.
Os códigos anunciam a chegada de novas mobílias, emblemas, raros e inclusive o retorno do raro Coroa e dos pets vaca e ovelha. Além disso, a campanha trará consigo também packs de mobílias 100% voltadas para a campanha.
landing.view.sep17cafe.body=Who loves desserts? If you do, make sure to pick up this bundle! Contains EXCLUSIVE Dessert Maid's Ribbon and Skirt.
landing.view.sep17cafe.button=See the bundle
landing.view.sep17cafe.header=100% NEW Dessert Cafe Bundle!
Dessert Cafe Bundle
landing.view.sep17chest.body=These chests contain one of 15 EPIC classic rares from Habbo's rich history. Available for 24 hours, don't miss out!
landing.view.sep17chest.button=See the chest!
landing.view.sep17chest.header=RARE Emerald Chest of Light!
landing.view.sep17clothing.body=We've made a few of the clothing items from our new Dessert Cafe bundle available in the Catalogue - go and see!
landing.view.sep17clothing.button=See the clothing
landing.view.sep17clothing.header=NEW Dessert Maid Clothing!
landing.view.sep17crown.body=NEVER to be sold again, this glittering and rare Elegant Crown is definitely one for the traders. Get one while you can!
landing.view.sep17crown.button=See the rare
landing.view.sep17crown.header=RARE Elegant Crown!
Rare Elegant Crown
landing.view.sep17elegant.body=Containing 100% BRAND NEW furni, this gorgeous bundle epitomises the word 'cute'. Don't miss out on this, Habbos!
landing.view.sep17elegant.button=See the bundle
landing.view.sep17elegant.header=100% NEW Elegant Bundle!
Elegant Bundle
landing.view.sep17sheep.body=Happy Kurban Bayrami, Habbos! To celebrate, we are putting sheep and cow pet back in the Catalogue for you. Enjoy!
landing.view.sep17sheep.button=See the pets
landing.view.sep17sheep.header=BACK: Sheep and Cow Pet
["dessertcafe_c17_armchair","Cafe Armchair",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_coffeetable","Cafe Coffee Table",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_counter","Cafe Counter",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_creamrolls","Cream Roll Plate",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_donut","Doughnut Plate",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_floor","Cafe Floor",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_froyo","Froyo Plate",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_glass","Cafe Glass",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_mochi","Mochi Plate",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_rug","Cafe Rug",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_shelf","Cafe Shelf",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_sofa","Cafe Sofa",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_table","Cafe Table",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_teaplant","Tea Plant",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_vase","Cafe Vase",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_wall","Cafe Wall",""]
["dessertcafe_c17_windoor","Cafe Window Door",""]
["hhistory_r17_crackable","Emerald Chest of Light",""]
["clothing_r17_elegantcrown","Elegant Crown",""]
["elegant_c17_bed","Elegant Bed",""]
["elegant_c17_carpet","Elegant Carpet",""]
["elegant_c17_cat","Elegant Kitty",""]
["elegant_c17_chair","Elegant Chair",""]
["elegant_c17_cupboard","Elegant Cupboard",""]
["elegant_c17_floor","Elegant Floor",""]
["elegant_c17_flowerpot","Elegant Vase",""]
["elegant_c17_light","Elegant Light",""]
["elegant_c17_smalltable","Elegant Side Table",""]
["elegant_c17_sofa","Elegant Sofa",""]
["elegant_c17_stool","Elegant Foot Stool",""]
["elegant_c17_table","Elegant Coffee Table",""]
["elegant_c17_teaset","Elegant Tea Set",""]
["elegant_c17_vanity","Elegant Vanity Mirror",""]
["elegant_c17_wall","Elegant Wall",""]
["elegant_c17_walldecor","Elegant Painting",""]
["elegant_c17_window","Elegant Window",""]
badge_name_SEP01=Elegant Bundle
badge_name_SEP02=Dessert Cafe Bundle
badge_name_SEP03=Exchange in Paris Bundle
badge_name_SEP04=Pool Party Bundle
badge_name_SEP05=Rare Elegant Crown
featured.offer.bundle187.title=Elegant Bundle
featured.offer.bundle188.title=Dessert Cafe Bundle
featured.offer.bundle82.title=Exchange in Paris Bundle
featured.offer.sep17chest.title=RARE Emerald Chest of Light
featured.offer.sep17crown.title=Rare Elegant Crown
featured.offer.sep17sheep.title=BACK: Sheep
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Créditos: Puhekupla
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